Category Project

Gift of Life

Gift of Life International provides pediatric cardiac care for children who would otherwise go untreated.  Numerous children have been brought to Florida to be treated by local surgeons who donate their services. During their stay in the US, they live…

Rotary’s Camp Florida

Rotary’s Camp Florida (RCF) was  founded to acquire, operate and  maintain a year-round camp facility for  children with special medical needs.    The cost to run the camp is $56 per child  per day but the camp only charges the…

Crisis Center

The Crisis Center of Tampa Bay provides a range of programs and services to ensure that no one in our community has to face crisis alone. Call 211 to speak confidentially with someone who cares. 

Polio Eradication

Rotary, working with other organization, including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has reduced polio cases by 99 percent worldwide.  Since our first project to vaccinate children in the Philippines in 1979, Rotarians have worked tirelessly to eradicate this disease…

Starting right, now

Starting Right, Now ends homelessness for youth by providing one-on-one mentoring, a stable home, assisting with employment opportunities, teaching financial literacy/life skills and promoting educational achievement.

Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels of Tampa provides hot, fresh, nutritious meals to the homebound, disabled, and elderly throughout the Tampa community every day, fulfilling its mission of “Nourishing the body…Enriching the spirit…and Strengthening the community…”  .  Each meal is delivered directly…